CTC is seeking 3 teens to play roles in the upcoming Calendar Girls. To sign up for an audition slot, email [email protected] 

For full audition information, please go to the Cambridge Theatre Company website.

Teenage roles available


Age range: 16-18

Danny is Chris and Rod’s son, the conscientious Head Boy. 


Age range: 16-18

We find out that Jenny is Marie’s daughter and has rebelled against her mother for years.. 


Age range: 16-18

Tommo is Cora’s son

Auditions will be held on:

Thursday 20th January

7pm - 9.30pm

Trumpington Meadows

Saturday 22nd January

10am - 12.30pm and 1pm - 4pm

Chesterton Scout Hut

Sunday 23rd January

10am - 12.30pm and 1pm - 4pm (recalls)

Trumpington Meadows

Cambridge Theatre Company is managed by Cambridge Theatre Trust. Registered in England No. 11240693. Registered Charity No.1180336.
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